Friday, February 29, 2008

i'm working for the day!
actually went to help my parents in the afternoon.
and yea, i'm still here.

the sound i hear most today is,
the phone kept ringing and i had to pick it up =(
something i'm afraid of. haha!
later the customer ask about air-con.
i will just go, 'oh okay. hold on.'
hehe. and pass to my mother.

i think i going to try out the job i saw online,
they taking in 徒弟 in model making and drawing of buildings constructions.
it is sounding fun.
it's also 5 day work. good good i love!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

still finding job to let me spent the rest of my times.
just hope that i can find one fast and increase the amt in bank.

went out with besties on tues and wed,
walked around for 2 days can really kill my feet!

anyway, was fun and fun and fun.
it's been a while since i have such free(nth to think about) outings.
this sat having NTU faculty test,
hope i can complete the whole test in 90mins,
with 6 qns.

i did mention about putting photos to multiply,
but i'm lazy.
so some photos here.

Friday, February 22, 2008

was looking at friends blog and saw this on jojo's post,


I am so agreeing with that,

it's easy to say, but i think it's difficult to do it.
well, people always say, 要珍惜眼前人。
who really do what they say?
no idea.

i'm lacking the courage say out things.
or maybe i'm lacking of confidence to do things,
like relationship matters and even my studies.

Have more courage please girl!
Be more confidence in yourself!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

i'm free again!

i know it's only 20th, but i submitted everything and i'm a free girl now!
date me date me date me!

i wan go out, who want go out find me please!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

since I got a multiply account,
i'm gonna put all photos there.
but not now, haha. busy still.

anyway, left school like for weeks already,
but still busy preparing admission stuff for Uni.
i'm gonna be free again this thurs (21 feb)
date me out after tt! haha

anyway, i'm missing everyone.
friends in mma, ict, school.

by the way, andrew seems to miss everyone.
we miss you too andrew!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

yesterday marks the last day of my 3 years poly life.
happy to know so many friends throughout this 3 years,
esp. people from my course and of course student council.
i'm not going to say anything emo anyway!

an advance HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR to everyone!